++Who Is The Richest Hacker In ASIA???
The "Love Bug" Destroyed your computer files, will stole passwords, and automatically replicated itself through the address books of infected computers.
ONEL DE GUZMAN│Onel De Guzman: They want to learn. They want to be creative.
The importance of the study is to help other people most especially Windows users. We all know that when we connect to the Internet we spend more time for surfing and reading email only, so when we are spending time we spend lots of money to pay the accounts for only using a couple of hours. So this program is the main solution, use it to steal and retrieve Internet accounts of the victim's computer. [Onel de Guzman's rejected thesis proposal at AMA Computer College]...Source
Approximately Causes 10 billion$ of dollars in damage worldwide. Love bug Virus is considered one of the most spectacular virus outbreaks in cyberhistory. It was supposedly a password-stealing thesis proposal(was rejected by his school).
"In making this study, the research can gather data by reading computer books, surfing the Internets what's new about developing Email, stealing passwords and news about Trojans. Survey and questionnaires will be conducted to support the development of the software"